Free Standing Restaurant Building (San Antonio, TX)

San Antonio, TX

• 15.5 +/-years remaining on a NNN Lease with Fresh Acquisitions, LLC

• Fresh Acquisitions, LLC is wholly owned by FMP -operators of 273 restaurants among 10 different brands

• Furr’s, founded in 1946, currently operates 25 stores throughout 5 states

• 1.2% annual escalations along with 5% percentage rent on sales over $3.7M -Avg. Cap of 8.5%

• Dominant retail corridor off State Hwy. 151 -Target, Home Depot, Lowe’s & Gander Mtn.

• Out-parcel to mixed-use development with 500+ apartments and Main Event Entertainment

• San Antonio is projected to grow 1.6% annually over the next 5 years -over 4% in 1-mile radius


Property Brochure


Kirk Hermansen
5944 Luther Lane, Suite 725
Dallas, Texas 75225

Phone: 214.373.4202 x14
Fax: 214.373.0737

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LOCATION: San Antonio, TX  |  Hwy. 151 and Cable Ranch Rd.

SIZE: Rentable sf 11,637 +/-  |  Lot Size  2.39 +/- Acres


1 mile:
2014 Population 10,313  |  Daytime Population 4,376  |  Average HH Income $47,241

3 mile:
2014 Population 112,117  |  Daytime Population 22,771  |  Average HH Income $58,317

5 mile:
2014 Population 275,133  |  Daytime Population 64,951  |  Average HH Income $58,533

San Antonio is projected to grow 1.6% annually over the next 5 years – over 4% in 1-mile radius

TRAFFIC: 74,507 VPD  | Over 27 Million VPY